Monday, December 20, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Texas....The land of the BIG...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hawaii Trip

In case you were wondering, the treasure hunt went really well! I led a team of 5 out to the streets and we found our ‘treasures’ and every one of them was interested and wanted prayer. I approached a young guy sitting down and said that I felt he was highlighted and that God led me to come and chat with him. I asked him if he wanted prayer and he said ‘Yes I would. This is the most perfect timing you could ever have had! Do you talk to everyone like this?’ He wanted prayer as he just had an interview for a job on a movie stage and was anxiously awaiting the outcome. The others in the team then had some words of knowledge and prophetic words for him and he was so excited he kept on saying ‘you would not believe how perfect your timing is’ and as soon as we finished speaking with him he
At the conference we had the opportunity to give prophetic words after

I felt like there were some key relationships that were made there – it seemed as if God wanted me to meet a few particular
I felt very strongly in my spirit as I was driving around that I would be back there in the future involved in ministry somehow. Who knows how long away – but I must say I’m excited! It’s an amazing place! It was great to swim in the ocean with turtles, watch the sun set at Waikiki beach and also see the stunning mountains!
Thank you so much to those who were praying for me :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
IT’s a MIRACLE!...... yes Louise is finally writing a blog – yes it’s her here!! I’ve joined the blogster gang!
I got inspired 2 nights ago and thought I’d put a bit of what’s on the inside on the outside – even though that is a bit scary as I think maybe the whole cyber world can get access to it!
Lately I’ve been thinking ....thinking.... thinking
What does it take to cross the chicken line? What does it take to step out and take risk when you know you have something to give away to someone who needs it but they are a complete stranger and you don’t know how they will take you? The other day I was at a petrol station and a lady was walking around in pain and I could tell she had back pain and I felt compassion and love toward her. I knew I could go and pray for her and get rid of that pain and I knew she would be all the more happier to be pain free but all of a sudden that chicken line popped up in front of me. I knew that when Jesus had compassion it moved him but I seemed to be feeling compassion and stuck in one spot! I can do it, I can do it I thought! But did I walk over to her? No I did not!
The next stop on the road about a half hour later was for lunch and God drew my attention to a picture on the wall “We can do it!” Well I definitely couldn’t do it on my own. Holy Spirit – you’re going to have to push me along here!

Ok so I set myself a goal – at least 3 times this year I am going to go on street outreach teams or the homeless street ministry to push myself across the chicken line. Ok Holy Spirit ‘We can do it” so I decided to go on the outreach team yesterday. So I rock up at the meeting place at church, waiting, anticipating, excitement building…. 30mins later no one had turned up. I suppose it wasn’t going to happen this day! Well – maybe next time the chicken line will be crossed!
So anyway, in 4 hours time I will be getting up from my alarm and making my way down to San Fran airport to catch a plane to Honolulu for what I thought was serving at the School of the Prophets conference which is basically giving people prophetic words. But what do you know – the first thing we are doing, first day we arrive is teaching the locals how to do street evangelism ‘treasure hunts’. Yeah…. Wonderful!! Definitely should be training and equipping in this area already. We’ll see if being thrown in the deep end does it for me…. Will keep you posted…
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Ministry Trips, books and more...
(I was taking a walk with the idea of sitting and reading somewhere and looked up - clearly I thought it was worthy of capturing). All the other pictures are from our Anniversary down in San Diego.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
School has started
we have been back at school now for just over 2 weeks and we are thoroughly loving it. We came home after the first few days and knew that we are entering into a really special season in our lives. We eagerly anticipate each day and are really taking our time processing all that we are hearing, seeing and experiencing.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Australia Bound
Saturday, May 22, 2010
End of School
Hey guys,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Prophecy night
Monday, May 3, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

10 days to go…
School only has 10 days left and we are trying to squeeze out every last drop. We continue to learn so much and are really enjoying ourselves – your prayers are being answered…
Last Saturday night we got together with lots of the other Aussie students and prophesied over our friends and family back in Australia on Skype. We had 5 computers set up around the house and the 15-20 of us just drifted around from “station” to station, as we felt led.
It was an amazing time and God really loved on people. We have some basic guidelines when it comes to prophesy. God is in a good mood and therefore He wants to communicate good stuff to love on and encourage people (people mostly already know the stuff in their life that isn’t so good…we don’t need to do this). We don’t speak into dates, mates or babies – we choose this because there is already too much misunderstanding about prophecy in the wider church and lots of it revolves around these. I think prophecy occurs in lots of Aussie churches however we don’t use that language due to our Old Testament hang-ups with the word.
We have had feedback from lots of people who can’t believe how God used the time. I was speaking to one lady whom I have never met and whom I knew nothing about. I spoke about her being creative, especially with fabric, I spoke of new opportunities and her work being “on display” and lots of other stuff. It turns out that she is an interior decorator, who has just started a new direction with some web-based stuff and her first job is going live online (for Telstra) sometime this week (don’t quote the date…lol).
There is literally story after story of this. My sister, mum and brother in-law, all were a part of the night. It was amazing for each of them and has given them lots of clarity and peace about directions that they had been planning and concepts that had been brewing in their hearts.
If you feel “bummed” because you missed out, I have some good news – yes Jesus loves you…lol, we are planning another prophecy night due to the demand. If you would like to participate in this, ensure you have Skype and let me know. I don’t have the date yet, you will have to stay tuned.
I finally got to go out fishing again - I went with 2 mates and we got about 50 fish between us (we only kept 8 - enough for dinner for the crowd of people). i am really enjoying some different fishing.
Unless something comes up, we will be back in Australia on the 12th June. We look forward to catching up with you all at some stage.
Love us.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A day in the life of a Bethel student...(actually a couple of hours on a Friday morning)
Okay sorry it's been a little long. We have had an action packed 2 weeks.

Monday, March 29, 2010
Mexico City
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
lighter things...