Okay sorry it's been a little long. We have had an action packed 2 weeks.
Firstly we found out that we wont be able to go to Canada for a quick holiday - it would present a possible problem getting back into the USA. When we found out we started trying to see if we could come back early in order to minister with some staff from here, but unfortunately that doesn't seem as though it will work.
We are checking out some more options now...lol and don't anticipate getting home any earlier that mid June.
The pictures in this update are of our "spring" break - we took a few nights to check out the coastline south of San Fran - we went to a place called Monterey. It was pretty cool and worth the visit. Lou found some "cotton candy" (aka - fairyfloss) and couldn't help herself. She also found a little eatery that shared her name and so she couldn't let the opportunity pass. Me...i'm just a poser....

I (Shane), have had lots of fun the last 2 weeks. I have enjoyed God's presence in tangible ways and have gone out to the pubs and bars of the city as well as the normal outreaches that I am a part of.
Last Friday I was out with a mate and we started talking to a young guy - he's catholic and thought that would be an issue till I said "great" - then I asked him if he wanted to feel God's presence. He was stunned at the question and asked "how, that was going to happen?" I explained that I was going to pray and that he would feel God in very specific ways. as I prayed I saw his face go to a confused look as he experienced what I had said, then i called out some more and he started to experience more. the young mans face became filled with excitement - he had met with God. unfortunately he had to get on an intercity bus, so we encouraged him to use the time to talk with God and to ask him for more experiences.
We said goodbye to him and walked along. we were passing a couple and I said hello but they didn't really acknowledge. my mate, who is kinda like a dog at a bone, turned and asked if they had something on their mind that we could pray about. the couple stopped and shared that they were worried about several things. We spent a few minutes praying for them on the footpath of the city and then my mate had a word of knowledge for back pain up between their shoulder blades.
The guy was like yeah I do. so we prayed for him and asked him to test it out. He tested it and it was like 70% better. so we prayed again and he was totally healed. he bent over and touched his toes and his wife said "I have never seen him do that, he can't do that" - I laughed and asked him to prove it by doing it again. so he bent down and put his whole hand down flat on the ground - he was stunned and kept doing it. We asked if he wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit and he said "yes" - we prayed for him and within seconds he was flat on the concrete. he fell out under the power of the Holy Spirit in the middle of the city - I was stunned, and admittedly looked around and wondered what people would be thinking. The funny thing was that there were some paramedics where 70 odd meters away and they started coming over to see if he was okay. as they were getting really close the guy just sat up and started laughing - "I feel great, I feel soooooo good".
He got up and we asked him to pray for his wife who said she had a sore lower back. He prayed for a moment and i asked her to test it. she said "oh wow, i feel fantastic, no pain anywhere". I asked her what she meant and she talked about how she normally has ankle pain etc. made worse by lots of movement - I asked her to walk and move around heaps in the ways that would induce pain. she did this and was astonished because she had no pain anywhere... God was having some fun!!!
Somehow as we were about to leave them to their day we found out that the lady was deaf in one ear...was is the operative word...we prayed for her and then did a test to see if it was healed - it was...yay....!!!
It was a really powerful time and we spent some more time with them about God's love and acceptance of them. They were so touched and left literally praising God!!!
Thanks so much for praying for us and loving us. we really feel it. We have just over 3 weeks to go of school for this school year. At this stage we will be back in Australia mid June and then we are planning to be back in the USA about the 10th of August. We will be up in Taree for a few weeks in that time.
We will be speaking at a church in Sydney on the 13th of July and Lou will be speaking at a women's event in that week as well. we anticipate being part of a ministry trip in the beginning of august as well. we will keep you informed.
We look forward to seeing you all soon
love Shane and Lou
PS - like always if you have any questions or comments feel free to email them to us or post them here.
Wow, God is so good!! Thanks for sharing what God is doing. One question: How? I know and understand the power of God. What I am struggling with is that at times at Wingham Baptist we pray similar prayers for healing but with no results. I am hungry for God to move in a similar way to what you have explained. Any advise would be great. God bless you guys and look forward to seeing you in July. Luke Wyllie.
ReplyDeleteHey Guys,
ReplyDeletelove you both loads, so excited to hear what the Lord is doing so graciously all around you!!!
looking forward to next post (fell a little behind the posts) so looking at them all now....
Bless you guys loads with that outpouring that you have been waiting on, the Lord is sending the keys to unlock this next session or time.
just got a picture of thick rich oil, like liquid gold which is the presence of the Lord that you guys are carrying, out of your intimacy with the Lord he is increasing his presence on your life.
Bless yas heaps!!!
love Jason and Cindy