In case you were wondering, the treasure hunt went really well! I led a team of 5 out to the streets and we found our ‘treasures’ and every one of them was interested and wanted prayer. I approached a young guy sitting down and said that I felt he was highlighted and that God led me to come and chat with him. I asked him if he wanted prayer and he said ‘Yes I would. This is the most perfect timing you could ever have had! Do you talk to everyone like this?’ He wanted prayer as he just had an interview for a job on a movie stage and was anxiously awaiting the outcome. The others in the team then had some words of knowledge and prophetic words for him and he was so excited he kept on saying ‘you would not believe how perfect your timing is’ and as soon as we finished speaking with him he
said he wanted to ring his dad to tell him about how amazing the time had been and to tell him about us and what had happened! I love seeing God rock people’s world us!
At the conference we had the opportunity to give prophetic words after

Kris Vallotton spoke in the sessions which was a real privilege! We even got to have lunch with
him and spend over 3 hours chatting to him and asking him questions! I felt a real increase in discernment and it was fun to start to see the gifts and callings that people carried!
I felt like there were some key relationships that were made there – it seemed as if God wanted me to meet a few particular
I felt like there were some key relationships that were made there – it seemed as if God wanted me to meet a few particular
people who I think I will remain in contact with and it will be interesting to see where they fit in the big scheme of things in the future! God is very strategic and sneaky I have found!
I felt very strongly in my spirit as I was driving around that I would be back there in the future involved in ministry somehow. Who knows how long away – but I must say I’m excited! It’s an amazing place! It was great to swim in the ocean with turtles, watch the sun set at Waikiki beach and also see the stunning mountains!
Thank you so much to those who were praying for me :)
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