we have been back at school now for just over 2 weeks and we are thoroughly loving it. We came home after the first few days and knew that we are entering into a really special season in our lives. We eagerly anticipate each day and are really taking our time processing all that we are hearing, seeing and experiencing.
We have spent some time with some of our Aussie friends over the last few weeks deliberately doing stuff which "feels" wrong in Australia - we have talked about our own strengths, and dreams. We have shared our hopes and even risked sharing some of our weaknesses (though this seems to easy for our culture). I make mention of this because it was generally really hard for us to say anything good about ourselves - I really feel like this is a monkey (demonic spirit), that we have to get off of our backs - we will never step into being all that God has called into if we are too worried about seeming arrogant to actually state our strengths.
Bill reasonably often says "I can't afford to think anything of myself that God doesn't think" - I never really understood how powerful this comment is. The other day I (shane), was sitting with a friend and they asked me what I thought my biggest constraint was. I suddenly remembered a time when I was 18 and training and I was essentially told that I was too young to contribute to a particular conversation - my biggest constraint...is probably that I didn't really think I could contribute anything still (I'm still not old enough, or wise enough, or smart enough etc etc) - this question helped me to see a lie that I have been believing for far to long. I decided to operate in direct opposition to the lie - wow, it's been amazing!

Lou and I have applied
to be a part of several ministry trips and it seems as though we will be going to Oregon late in October. There are heaps of others that we are looking at as well.
I have done some preliminary training to be a 'coach' which is really exciting. I really like the philosphy behind coaching. It really drawers out the abilities that are within a person - it teaches and empowers at the same time - I really enjoy it.
On other fronts, Lou's parents have returned back to Oz, and her brother is all set up at the place he is living at. The picture on the Left is of Lou with Chris, at an ice-cream place in town. My sister is renting one of our spare rooms and a boarder (Lizanne), is renting our other spare room.
We are currently doing a marriage course "Love after Marriage" - it's been soooo good. We think we have always had an amazing marriage (and we have), and that's really because of me...lol - Nah we decided before we even got married that we would always try to have a marriage that was growing stronger and part of that meant that we would do stuff to actively improve our marriage. It's been lot's of fun and we have found the material to be really great. I think the course is available in audio and DVD with manuals etc - if anyone is interested I totally recommend it.
I went fishing the other day and finally caught some fish - actually it was heaps of fun and really refreshing. I was with a mate in the most pristine place and I just marveled at the splendor of God's handiwork - especially the one's on the end of my line...lol (below is some proof that i actually did catch something....lol).

Anyway this is just another brief update - keep your eyes out though because the updates will start coming thick and fast...
Please feel free to ask us any questions you might have and to let us know what is happening for you - it's always lots of fun to know what's happening back home.
love us
Great post! Thanks for keeping us all updated! So glad to hear you guys are doing so well and loving it so much already. This year is going to be the best for you guys I think!! Much love from the 4 of us!