Tuesday, February 16, 2010

an Attempt at something New...

Okay, so we are trying something new (thanks Harvey's).

we want to keep you all informed of how we are going and what we have been up to but to be honest it was just getting really hard to speak to people individually. this way you can catch what we have been up too and you can ask questions etc.

we are behaving ourselves and are quite the model students (even if i do say so myself - shane speaking)... we have both really enjoyed our classes and have grown heaps and in so many different ways.

in just over 4 weeks we head off to Mexico City for a ministry trip - it will be amazing! we didn't plan on being on the same trip, actually Lou doesn't know (humanly speaking), how she got onto this team, but she is and we are both excited to know that God has us both going together and smack in the middle of His will. Lou was as surprised as the team leaders as she didn't put Mexico City down in any of her choices at all.

Lou is more prepared for the trip than I am, she has undertaken some spanish lessons and can stutter out enough to have the very basic conversations - i however am limited to some silly phrases i have learnt from various movies (thanks encino man - i hope the phrase - "the cheese is old and moldy" is not required.).

socially we have found some awesome Aussie couples (i wont mention any names just in case they check this page out and get swollen around the shoulders), who have kept living in the US real and enjoyable. we have got together on a few occasions to celebrate Australia Day, and pray and prophesy over our great country.

about a month ago i felt as though i was to invite my little sister and Lou's little brother to consider coming and doing school here starting later this year. they have both put applications in and i will keep you informed as to how this all works out.

if you are keen to pray for us, please pray that we would drawer closer to God, that we would see an increase in effectiveness as we take the love of God out onto the streets (we have so many cool stories already, of people who have experienced God and have begun being transformed by these encounters). you could also pray about the mission trip mentioned above - the team that went last year saw just under 2000 miracles take place, and hundreds of people gave their lives to Jesus and got connected to local churches - we are pushing for an increase this year.

please feel free to add your comments, we really want to stay in touch.
love Shane n Lou


  1. Hi Lou & Shane - awesome idea to have a blog... hoping prep for the trip continues to go well - lots of love Liz & Craig

  2. We are looking forward to reading about your crazy stories and experiences in Mexico City! Love Jose and Em

  3. Hey there Lovelies,
    the murphs here, so great that you guys are soaking in everything you can, and can sense your expectation growing hungry for the hand of the Lord. love you both loads and look forward to the next entry. We are on the wall for you guys!! will get the word around to the rest of the guys if they dont know.

    buckets of blessings to you both!!!

    love jason Cindy and Levi

  4. Hey Guys. It is so good to hear from you and i agree with this is a great idea as we were unsure how to contact you. It is good to be able to be in touch as you continue in your attempt to move as far away as possible. We will be praying for you both and hope you continue to have an awesome time.

    The Whitbreads
