Sunday, January 16, 2011


We left it a few weeks (partially because we had a break, and then because we got busy). We are both going really well and are continuing to learn so much.

I have been thinking about Mt 16 where Peter proclaims that Jesus is the Messiah. How is it that so many people missed it? Jesus constantly referred to Himself as the Son of Man, taught with such insight and authority that people were amazed, healed multitudes, stilled storms, fed 9000 people on 2 occasions and yet they thought He was John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or....

Is it possible that they missed it because they knew of His family of origin? Is it possible that it's because they came to their own conclusions??

Peter got it - actually he "got it" straight from the Father... - this is a principle that God has been speaking to me about. The idea that if I come to my own conclusions about the people around me I will probably "sell them short". I don't want to ever look at a person around me and think anything of them that Father God isn't thinking of them!

The question "who do you say I am?" now resounds throughout my head consistently throughout the day. I must answer with insight from the Father and not simply by relying on my own observations, feelings etc.

I must because I want to see them enter into and fulfill all the plans that Father has for them. I want to call those plans out and encourage them to take the risks. I want Jesus to get His full reward, and the church to be strengthened from their "being".

I wonder if the hardest part aspect of gaining the Father's perspective is actually in regards to ourselves. Until we can answer this question about the Father's perspective in regards to ourselves we will probably find it hard to do with others. Perhaps you can join with me asking Father each morning who He says I am.

On a different note, Louise and I were invited onto a ministry trip in a couple of weeks. It's quite possibly the biggest honor that we could have imagined at this point. We will be going to Europe with a small team being led by Kris and Kathy V (definitely Louise's biggest hero's). We are really excited about being asked to go, and about

We have been meeting with the team going to Ohio as well and asking God for His thoughts and heart for the area - the whole team is really excited about the time that we will get to spend there. There are plans for some 20 students to move there after school finishes to do their 3rd year there. The church there has a goal of establishing 100 local churches of at least 100 people each across the city. Lou wrote about it in a previous blog with some links to what they are doing so feel free to go back through them to check it out.

On a more personal level, I received a prophetic word before Christmas that Jesus wanted to take me fishing... I kinda laughed with my friend who gave it to me and I felt as though I should go out the next week. I had a great time and caught some of my best fish ever. Then on boxing day or something like that a different mate rings me and says that he got a fully paid guided trip for 2 people given to him as a Christmas present and would i join him...we went out last week and had a blast. check the link below (dated Jan 10).

We caught lots of fish, but more importantly i learnt on a deeper level just how much God loves my hobbies and interests and how He actually wants me to enjoy them. I get really overwhelmed by the way that He shows such interest, delight and joy in our everyday activities and not just the "spiritual" - actually I really feel like He is showing me that the dividing of things into "spiritual" and not, is wrong - anyway that might be a post for another time.

love always
Shane n Lou