Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Australia Bound

Well it's been a few weeks since we last updated.

We have said farewell to many friends who wont be returning for another year of school (primarily due to finances), we've said goodbye to the family that we have lived with for the last 9 months and we have packed up all our stuff.

We don't know where we will live when we return but we are ready to move in when that becomes known.

We are about to hop on a flight to LA and then overnight it before hopping onto the qantas a380 for our flight home tomorrow night.

In the last few weeks we have done heaps. We helped some friends with some home renovations (this was pretty much full time for the week), we also were involved in several ministry opportunities.

I went into town as normal and we saw God love on people in amazing ways with people being healed physically and emotionally.

Anyway, I guess for most of you, we will catch up sometime over the next 2 months. We are looking forward to being back in Australia and to catching up with you our family and friends.

love Shane n Lou.