Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Off to Ohio

A highlight of the trip - The Team!
Cleveland , Ohio Mission Trip March 2011

We knew God wanted us to pick Ohio as our Mission Trip destination, but were not sure why! The focus of the trip was to be a part of serving a Church in Cleveland with a vision of bringing transformation to the city which included a strategic plan of planting 100 churches in the area.
 So what did the trip look like? Visiting churches, eating, visiting ministry schools, eating, prayer walks, eating, prophesying a lot, eating..

We spent a day looking at all the sites of Charles Finney (a famous healing revivalist) through his life - where he first spoke at church, where his house was, checked out his grave and went on a prayer walk. This place has some significant spiritual heritage. It's always inspiring to hear stories about what people have seen and experienced and to see what's possible, also to know who's gone before us and that we can take their victories and make them ours and build on them.

We visited a large church called 'Victory'. Earlier in the day we spoke with the ministry students about how Jesus is perfect theology - His life is a reflection of God's heart, including His will that all people would be healed. This definitely gets a discussion going!

At Victory, we shared some words of knowledge (what God's highlighting for healing for the night) - many responded and many were healed. Shane prayed for a man who wanted healing for something and God revealed to Shane about needing healing for his oesophagus so Shane just started praying for that without him mentioning this condition and after the prayer he reported that he did have a problem with his oesophagus and that it felt perfectly fine after prayer. It was a really great night!

We had the opportunity to meet and prophesy and pray over two NFL players who currently play for the Cleveland Browns. It was really exciting to hear how many of their team mates they have seen healed and some come to faith. One guy injured his knee badly and was going to be out for some time but heard that other team mates had received prayer and were healed so he asked for prayer, was healed and playing freely in the next game!

City transformation happens in every sphere of society as people have an encounter with the living God. Sometimes when you least expect it...... He sneaks up behind you and ...... 

Why not make a hop, skip and a jump back to Europe....

These are the amazing people we travelled with!

One week after getting back from Spain, we were off to Europe again (shame we couldn't hang around in Europe in between...)

The day we arrived I felt like I was in a different land, almost like I had just stepped out the back of the cupboard from the 'Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' movie. It felt very surreal.

We felt we were a part of something big that God was doing in the country and really got a sense of God having a strategic plan and that
this was a significant time for the country.

Jesus Culture Band

The main event on the trip we were helping with was a big conference called 'Moral Revolution' where Kris Vallotton was speaking about sexual purity to a group of about 2500 youth from Latvia, Russia, Lithuania and Estonia primarily.

The Jesus Culture band were performing for the conference also - it was great! See video below for a peek!
Many youth gained freedom and healed hearts here! It was beautiful to witness!

We are standing on the Baltic Sea - frozen as far as we could see!! Strange feeling!

If you want to see more video on the trip go to vimeo and type in 'Sexual Revolution Conference' where you will find a short and extended cut version of our trip!