Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Off to Ohio

A highlight of the trip - The Team!
Cleveland , Ohio Mission Trip March 2011

We knew God wanted us to pick Ohio as our Mission Trip destination, but were not sure why! The focus of the trip was to be a part of serving a Church in Cleveland with a vision of bringing transformation to the city which included a strategic plan of planting 100 churches in the area.
 So what did the trip look like? Visiting churches, eating, visiting ministry schools, eating, prayer walks, eating, prophesying a lot, eating..

We spent a day looking at all the sites of Charles Finney (a famous healing revivalist) through his life - where he first spoke at church, where his house was, checked out his grave and went on a prayer walk. This place has some significant spiritual heritage. It's always inspiring to hear stories about what people have seen and experienced and to see what's possible, also to know who's gone before us and that we can take their victories and make them ours and build on them.

We visited a large church called 'Victory'. Earlier in the day we spoke with the ministry students about how Jesus is perfect theology - His life is a reflection of God's heart, including His will that all people would be healed. This definitely gets a discussion going!

At Victory, we shared some words of knowledge (what God's highlighting for healing for the night) - many responded and many were healed. Shane prayed for a man who wanted healing for something and God revealed to Shane about needing healing for his oesophagus so Shane just started praying for that without him mentioning this condition and after the prayer he reported that he did have a problem with his oesophagus and that it felt perfectly fine after prayer. It was a really great night!

We had the opportunity to meet and prophesy and pray over two NFL players who currently play for the Cleveland Browns. It was really exciting to hear how many of their team mates they have seen healed and some come to faith. One guy injured his knee badly and was going to be out for some time but heard that other team mates had received prayer and were healed so he asked for prayer, was healed and playing freely in the next game!

City transformation happens in every sphere of society as people have an encounter with the living God. Sometimes when you least expect it...... He sneaks up behind you and ...... 

Why not make a hop, skip and a jump back to Europe....

These are the amazing people we travelled with!

One week after getting back from Spain, we were off to Europe again (shame we couldn't hang around in Europe in between...)

The day we arrived I felt like I was in a different land, almost like I had just stepped out the back of the cupboard from the 'Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' movie. It felt very surreal.

We felt we were a part of something big that God was doing in the country and really got a sense of God having a strategic plan and that
this was a significant time for the country.

Jesus Culture Band

The main event on the trip we were helping with was a big conference called 'Moral Revolution' where Kris Vallotton was speaking about sexual purity to a group of about 2500 youth from Latvia, Russia, Lithuania and Estonia primarily.

The Jesus Culture band were performing for the conference also - it was great! See video below for a peek!
Many youth gained freedom and healed hearts here! It was beautiful to witness!

We are standing on the Baltic Sea - frozen as far as we could see!! Strange feeling!

If you want to see more video on the trip go to vimeo and type in 'Sexual Revolution Conference' where you will find a short and extended cut version of our trip!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spain, Latvia, Cleveland and Redding...


I think for the sake of all of us I will write about Spain - perhaps I will aim for 1 update every 2 days for this week so that you can hear all about what we have been up to...

So we travelled to Madrid, Spain to be a part of a culture of honor conference there. Danny Silk, one of the awesome senior leaders at Bethel was speaking at the conference (he has written a book called "a culture of honor" which I highly recommend). 

I was asked to lead the student team when Danny and one of his staff (Jason), wasn't around. It's a huge honor. It didn't really entail a great deal, just managing the teams travel and keeping everyone informed and unified. 

Team Spain with some of our spanish friends - Jason far right 

When the team arrived, Danny and Jason had already been there a few days running some training for church leaders. We settled in and then had a meal before being introduced to a couple of fantastic young men from the church. 

These 2 young guys then took us on a quick tour of Madrid. We prayed at the city gates - some of the team had felt like God had showed them that this was significant (Lou being one of them). The temperature was cold and the windchill didn't help. When it started to rain we (I), really started to feel uncomfortable. We huddled up against giant cathedrals, hid behind tiny little umbrellas and made our way to a hot chocolate store.

the chocolate was literally melted chocolate -
can't say i've ever had a "hot chocolate" like it
We frequently used the buildings as protection from the wind
and the rain - I was so impressed by the positive approach
the whole team had to sometimes uncomfortable situations.

The conference was brilliant. The audience was primarily one local church and then some leaders from around the country that wanted to hear Danny and get a hold of his message. For me one of the most exciting parts of the trip was seeing nearly an entire congregation together hearing the messages and "getting it" - I could see the "light-bulbs" turning on for people - one here, then another there then a few over there etc. I guess I enjoyed this so much because I have been to so many conferences and heard fantastic messages and then gone back home and tried to help people see and understand what i had just experienced and what I was now talking about - often after a few weeks it would be hard to tell if I had really taken anything on board because nothing in me (let alone those around me), was really changing.

Seeing a whole church go through this together was so exciting for me - they would all know what the messages were, they were all touched and challenged and the congregation as a whole was choosing to move forward with what they were hearing - forget critical mass (as a smallish percentage) - this was a whole congregation moving together.

The city was transformed by the setting sun as the clouds continuously changed colors

We really enjoyed the food in Spain - we weren't having a
romantic dinner for 2... the others just chose to get out of this picture.
This is just ridiculous. after being here in the USA I don't
think that this even qualifies to be called a car, it honestly
 could fit inside some of the cars I have driven over here

Actually the small car above would have easily fit inside this one. Driving in Spain was different... enjoyable in the end...lol 

Madrid is a special and enchanting place. The people are brilliant, lots of fun, friendly and really hospitable. We saw many people healed during our time there - one young guy I prayed for had a really bad back. After a few seconds of praying I asked him how he felt and he said that it was feeling really good. The next day I saw him carrying really heavy sound equipment...I guess it was all better!

Another guy had problems with his knees for the last 6 years - "had" is the key word! He was totally healed. There was a couple there who have been in ministry for some 30+ years. They were tired, and felt a little beaten up. I got to spend some time praying for them and prophesying to them. God showed me the things that they had once had high hopes for, and the promises that He had given them. As I shared these with them they were reduced to tears. God was pouring out His love on them and affirming them. I caught up with them a number of times throughout the conference and they left totally recharged, refreshed, and with hope - the dreams they had let go of were now firmly back in their sights.

The "Culture of honor" teaching is so significant on so many levels. It brings freedom like nothing else I know (feel free to correct me and tell me that it is the Holy Spirit that brings freedom - I simply mean that He really seems to enjoy using this material). It doesn't stop at freedom however, one of the key points of the teaching is the price or responsibilities that come with freedom....to some that sounds like an oxymoron - freedom and responsibilities...YEP!

The city square - it was inspiring - what
had transpired inside of that square
throughout time??
One of the Castles in Madrid,
it's easy to get lost in the beauty of the
city and these magnificent buildings.

Segovia was our "tourist jaunt" on the final
night - we walked around the city and were
captivated by the Roman aqueduct.

I had some really amazing times with God in Madrid. I learnt things about myself, let go of some inhibitions, made some brilliant friendships and gained lots of perspective and clarity. One of my favorite aspects of the trip was some of the conversations I got to have as we drove around and visited different places. Those from the church that drove around with us and directed us etc have commented that their lives were changed - more and more I am seeing that sometimes the "best ministry" takes place just in the course of everyday life. A conversation as we drive brought clarity and hope to some, without anyone having a clue - as far as I was concerned we were being a little rude having our own conversation.

It's hard to really give a great overview of the trip because there was so much happening on so many different levels. Even as we drove home from Sacramento airport (a 2hr drive), I had a great chance to chat and minister to members of the team - actually that chat would be one of the highlights of this year so far.

We as always would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have - actually sometimes i think it would make life easier because I would have something specific to talk about....lol I will honestly attempt to get a blog about Latvia up within in the next 48hrs - though this one has taken me much longer than I could have imagined.

On a personal front Lou and I are making some really big decisions about next year. We would really value your prayers for us. Love always Shane n Lou.

This is point zero. All measurements
 pointing to Spain are measured to this
point. It's a calibration point.

Okay so I lost the plot with this one! I
 grabbed Lou's umbrella twirled it like I
was a professional dancer and frolicked
 around the light pole much to the
amusement of the locals.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trips, Trips and Trips...

I write today in a little bit of a rush – Lou and I head off for a ministry trip to Spain in just a few hours. We have had an amazing couple of weeks with lots happening. We have seen some of our good friends move into realms of relationship with God that is totally exciting – their connection with God is inspiring.

Some of our friends back in Australia (yes I am referring to some of you reading this) have also experienced some amazing breakthrough.

One of our friends in regional NSW was preaching the other day about healing and the congregation had been struggling with the idea of healing but something changed and their hunger has become really intense. We are so excited to hear about what God has and is doing in Australia.

Another friend in the same town went out praying for people on the streets. He got to pray for 3 people on this particular occasion and one of the people had shingles (visible to the eye) – the key word is “had” – yes the shingles left then and there.

Another friend in a suburb of Sydney was out playing some Frisbee footy (I think), one of his mates rolled his ankle really badly. My friend went over and offered to pray for him. 2 minutes later he was back on the field playing again – was he faking…? He wasn’t playing soccer…..lol – He was totally healed.

I have been asking friends (people I know and trust), to share their stories with me so that I can circulate them. I believe each of these reports and the others they have sent through to me. I wanted these stories to become known because I want everyone who reads our blog to know that God’s mighty hand is at work in Australia. It’s not like the miracles of God are restricted to USA, Bethel, Lou and I, or anything like that. I encourage you to take hold of the promises that God has given to ALL believers and to know that He doesn’t commission you without empowering you.

We have a really busy couple of weeks. We leave for Spain tonight and get back next week. We will be part of a “culture of honor” conference. I was really honored to be asked to be the student leader of the team – especially since it’s such an awesome group of people. We will try and give an update when we get back.

We get back next week and are in Redding for just under a week and then we leave for another country in Europe. This is the trip I spoke of last blog. We are so privileged to be going. When we get back we have to do our washing and pack again because 2 days later we leave for Cleveland, Ohio to spend 10 days or so with Steve Witt and Bethel Cleveland.

It’s going to be hectic but we are really looking forward to it – there are going to be so many amazing stories – so stay tuned.

Lou and I have been deliberate about stretching ourselves each week (actually we have been going for it each day). We are being really intentional at the moment knowing that as we grow in it these areas of growth will become natural everyday parts of our lives. Being awake for “words of knowledge” and going up to people in the public when we get them is one such area – Lou is such an inspiration – she gets really accurate words and prophetic words as well.

We haven’t been skiing at all for over a month – it has been really warm and the snow a little wet – but don’t worry – we have had fresh snow in the last 24hrs and it’s set to continue for the week – so far we have had 12 inches of fresh….

In the meantime I have been playing basketball for some exercise and still fishing to just enjoy this spectacular area. Both have been lots of fun.

The school year is drawing to a close and we are working through what we think God is saying to us about next year. We think we will be here in Redding and we are talking to people about what we might be able to do here to add to what is already happening – we don’t want to just be here for the sake of it – we know God has assignments for us and it’s these that we are interested in.

This is getting really long – let me finish with a some requests:

- - Please pray for us that we would know clearly what God has for us for next year (August onwards)

- - We are trying to sell our place in Point Clare – please pray that it sells and for a great price.

- - Pray that we bless and are blessed on each of these trips.

There is soooo much more but I will have to post more often rather than making these so long.

Love to you all

Shane n Louise

Sunday, January 16, 2011


We left it a few weeks (partially because we had a break, and then because we got busy). We are both going really well and are continuing to learn so much.

I have been thinking about Mt 16 where Peter proclaims that Jesus is the Messiah. How is it that so many people missed it? Jesus constantly referred to Himself as the Son of Man, taught with such insight and authority that people were amazed, healed multitudes, stilled storms, fed 9000 people on 2 occasions and yet they thought He was John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or....

Is it possible that they missed it because they knew of His family of origin? Is it possible that it's because they came to their own conclusions??

Peter got it - actually he "got it" straight from the Father... - this is a principle that God has been speaking to me about. The idea that if I come to my own conclusions about the people around me I will probably "sell them short". I don't want to ever look at a person around me and think anything of them that Father God isn't thinking of them!

The question "who do you say I am?" now resounds throughout my head consistently throughout the day. I must answer with insight from the Father and not simply by relying on my own observations, feelings etc.

I must because I want to see them enter into and fulfill all the plans that Father has for them. I want to call those plans out and encourage them to take the risks. I want Jesus to get His full reward, and the church to be strengthened from their "being".

I wonder if the hardest part aspect of gaining the Father's perspective is actually in regards to ourselves. Until we can answer this question about the Father's perspective in regards to ourselves we will probably find it hard to do with others. Perhaps you can join with me asking Father each morning who He says I am.

On a different note, Louise and I were invited onto a ministry trip in a couple of weeks. It's quite possibly the biggest honor that we could have imagined at this point. We will be going to Europe with a small team being led by Kris and Kathy V (definitely Louise's biggest hero's). We are really excited about being asked to go, and about going...lol.

We have been meeting with the team going to Ohio as well and asking God for His thoughts and heart for the area - the whole team is really excited about the time that we will get to spend there. There are plans for some 20 students to move there after school finishes to do their 3rd year there. The church there has a goal of establishing 100 local churches of at least 100 people each across the city. Lou wrote about it in a previous blog with some links to what they are doing so feel free to go back through them to check it out.

On a more personal level, I received a prophetic word before Christmas that Jesus wanted to take me fishing... I kinda laughed with my friend who gave it to me and I felt as though I should go out the next week. I had a great time and caught some of my best fish ever. Then on boxing day or something like that a different mate rings me and says that he got a fully paid guided trip for 2 people given to him as a Christmas present and would i join him...we went out last week and had a blast. check the link below (dated Jan 10).


We caught lots of fish, but more importantly i learnt on a deeper level just how much God loves my hobbies and interests and how He actually wants me to enjoy them. I get really overwhelmed by the way that He shows such interest, delight and joy in our everyday activities and not just the "spiritual" - actually I really feel like He is showing me that the dividing of things into "spiritual" and not, is wrong - anyway that might be a post for another time.

love always
Shane n Lou