Monday, December 20, 2010


So the question for this time is 'how are we, the Church going to bring transformation to the people, cities and nations around us?' What does it look like when earth looks like heaven, when the government of earth looks like the government in heaven, when the kingdom comes on earth through you and me - The Church? How do we 'bring it'? What are we going to do with our responsibility and our part?

I think about this often...
Maybe you have part of the solution...

Maybe we first need to get a good handle of what heaven really looks like, how the government system works there and how things are run...
Maybe we need to get a better understanding of how God runs His kingdom to learn how we can partner with Him to see the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God...
What does it look like???

Some things I've been thinking about are how to begin at the most basic level - and for me it means I need to be personally undergoing transformation before I can 'bring it'! And for me that looks like being transformed as I hang out with God in His presence. Seeing what He's like gives me a grace to change. 'Behold and Become'.

At a macro level I've been thinking of the concept of 'discipling nations' (as opposed to people in nations) - what does it look like to transform a nation? I've been thinking about how every nation has a unique identity and a unique destiny - that each can 'bring something' to the rest of the world. Somehow there needs to be some leaders who create a government that allow the people in the country to reach their full potential and their own unique identity and destiny. This would look like a governing system that allows people to thrive, flourish and be able to access resources to live in abundance...

For instance - what if Africa's unique identity was as the continent with the greatest resources in the world and their destiny was to release wealth to the nations? What would it take to make that a reality? Leadership that allows the people to fulfill their potential - to have opportunity to release it! Don't you think it's strange that Africa has the most natural resources in the world and they seem to be the 'poorest' people. I also think that righteous leadership doesn't necessarily look like the president being a Christian - look at King Neb. and Pharoah - their nations prospered because of people like Joseph and Daniel - men with the favour of God and open doors for influence.... So what is the identity of Australia? America? and what's our part to play in bringing kingdom transformation?

So there's what I think the micro and macro level look like at this stage but what about all the bits in between?

To be continued...


In March, Shane and I are going on a missions/ministry trip to Cleveland Ohio to work with a church (Bethel Cleveland) who's mission is to bring transformation to the city they live in. There's various strategies they are implementing - specific help and outreach to the poorest neighbourhoods, serving the community, getting involved with local businesses and also equipping people to be excellent in their spheres of work and influence. We will be specifically involved in strategic planning on our trip, with planning for the planting of 100 churches in Cleveland and also involved in the local Bethel school's equipping and deployment program and the city's business summit.

If you would like to see a short video on some of the ways the church is doing this, click on the link

If you feel you would like to partner with us financially for the mission trip or our ministry in general please give to (Australian) ANZ account 012834 509263962 (Shane and Louise Mandl)
or into our USA school account via (click on 'give to BSSM' and type one of our names in).

Thanks for your friendship, your interest in us and what we're up to, for your support and any prayers you've backed us up with :)
Love Louise (and Shane)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Texas....The land of the BIG...

A few days after Lou got back from her trip (read below if you don't know what I am talking about), I headed out for a fish in the middle of town. I was having a great time in the water and just enjoying God's creation.

I had a couple of fish on and lost them both...some things just wont surprise you though will

it was getting close to the time I had to go and I decided I would turn around and fish the other 'run of water' with a dry fly. A few moments later right before my eyes every color imaginable could be seen (yes I can hear some of you laughing...Shane the color blind guy able to see every imaginable color...). I reached for my phone and was torn between the idea of trying to capture what I was seeing and just enjoying it!!!

This is literally right in the middle of town and I was in the middle of the river taking this photo.

About 36 hours later I was on a plane for Texas, traveling with some friends to a conference and then some local churches. The staff leading the trip are brilliant guys who are really aware of God's presence being with them everywhere they go. The see some of the most crazy miracles I have ever heard of or dared to believe for. I had been really looking forward to the trip and was a little surprised when I felt God say that the greatest work I would see over the week would be what He would do in me...

I got to Sacramento Airport and realized I had grabbed Lou's documents not mine...but somehow I seemed to walk right on through (yes still through the scanners etc, but people in front and behind me were checked for extra documentation etc - Yay God...).

After a long day we arrived at our host home and were greeted by this little fella. Yes a little taste of Australiana... He squawked and shrieked like he was part of thousand strong choir perched in the Gum outside our last place in Taree!

The guy in the picture is my mate Thomas - he's a legend and challenges me way beyond my comfort zone - plus he is just good fun.

Thomas led myself and four other students the next day to a ministry school where we took a class. We gave some prophetic words, and called out some words of knowledge and saw deaf ears open up...(a goal on my "to do list"), knees, backs, shoulders, ankles and more get healed....I think it was the best day these students had experienced in a while...hahahaha

The conference was crazy! God really moved amongst all of us and there was a really deep awe and freedom - I can't say I have ever really experienced anything like it before. God showed me how I valued my dignity more than just doing whatever He was saying for me to do - AKA - fear of man... (and I thought I had dealt with that...) - needless to say that we buried that fear - If you aren't sitting you might want to...I danced!!! (and painted my face, but the dancing was

The other students on the trip were so great. Every discussion was full of life and I gained insights, perspectives and an appreciation for characteristics that ordinarily I would have blown off as "un-desirable". You guys were so much fun and have totally been used by God to grow me - Thanks.

Throughout the conference we saw people grow closer to God and we also had lots of chances to minister to people in the prophetic and for healing. It was lots of fun.

We broke into smaller groups for the Sunday services and Joaquin (on the Left), helped a church to really grapple with God's presence and move to a place of even greater hunger for Him. He is a really anointed guy and I learnt heaps just from being there.

The evening service was a massive celebration of God and His goodness. Hearts were set free and healed. Physical problems bowed to the name of Jesus as more deafness fled, the ability to smell returned, allergies left and pain disappeared! I am starting to dream about what the "all" in "all things are possible" might look like...hahaha - what would you like to see happen???

The picture above is Joaquin and Josh getting excited by LUNCH... we enjoyed some of the best meat Texas has to offer - Thanks Jeff.

As we were saying goodbye to some of our new friends I felt a strange little sensation in my left ankle...hahaha - i have had this before....but this was different. I felt like I was getting a word of knowledge (like a special insight from the LORD), about a problem that someone in their family had. I asked if someone in their family had a current problem with their left ankle and I was told that their Auntie had just damaged her left ankle and achilles tendon. I said that they should call her the next day because God wanted to heal her. This was the very late hours of Sunday night.

Monday we travelled home and on Tuesday I went to class like normal. When I checked my facebook during a break at school (yes it really was during a break), I had a message on my fb wall saying that the auntie had been totally healed, was struck with JOY and came home with a beaming....

I am having soooo much fun learning and growing...I am really excited for the plans that God has for Lou and I - sometimes I wish I could have a little sneak peak....hahahaha.

We love you all heaps - Shane (and Lou)