Saturday, May 22, 2010

End of School

Hey guys,

well school has finished. We had an amazing last week of school - lots of fun, reflecting and lots of commisioning elements. It really was a great week to end on.

On the morning of the last day, I went into town with some of my friends and there was a huge festival on with thousands of people in attendance. We just walked around and listened to the clues that God had for us as we went around. We were walking along and felt like a worker stood out to us and when we said "hello" he responded but kept on walking.

About 15 mins later after we had gone to a different area, we saw this guy again and we went up to him and started talking. this time my mate asked him if he had 2 young children - he did! what about car problems? he did! My mate had some other stuff that he felt the Lord wanted him to say and the guy was completely blown away.

I then asked him if he had problems with his knees - he was dumbfounded and simply said that he lived in constant pain. We prayed for no more than 10 seconds and asked him to test them out - they were totally healed - pain free but also strong.

We blessed him and went on our way. At the end of our time, one of the other groups said they were talking to this guys who was sharing with his friends what God had just done for him - turns out that our new friend went straight to all of his mates and started testifying - our other friends overheard and then started joining in with the group.

The other day we saw backs healed, lots of emotional healing and were able to really encourage lots of young ladies attending cosmotology school. It was a really good time.

Yesterday we were just hanging out and one of my friends was in lots of pain after a skateboard accident and another from a skiing injury. One was completey healed and the other was almost totally healed - from not being able to put weight on the foot and move it around to having complete mobility but just a little bit of tenderness in 2 spots.

We are getting ourselves organised for coming home - there is lots already on our calendar...looks kinda busy, but it will be lots of fun. We will be going up to Brisbane to be part of a ministry team early in August, and then we will most likely depart for the US about the 7th or 8th.

The pics in this post are from graduation and the after party. The video is from the knighting service - a commissioning service but sent out as sons and daughters of the KING!

The photo at the top is of one of our pastoral team - Alison - she is an amazing young lady. The photo mid way down is of Lou and I before we left for the grad. service.

Next week we will go to San Fran to spend some time with some friends of ours who live in Florida - we haven't seen them in more than 10 years, so it will be great to finally catch up. Then we come back to Redding for another week. We leave here on the 9th and then fly out of LA on the 10th. We arrive back in Oz on the 12th.

We are really looking forward to catching up with you all.
Love us

ps - stay tuned - i am sure there will be really exciting stuff to add over the next couple of weeks. like for example - I have a really cool video of our mission trip to Mexico City that will be available - i just need to find a site to host it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Prophecy night

Hey guys,

I mentioned that we would be doing another "Skype prophecy" night. The date for the next one will be May 15th (USA) which will mean that roughly midday AEST Sunday 16th May. If you would like to receive some prophetic words from some of our friends then let us know and we will make the arrangements.

If you would like to participate then you will need to have Skype (free download), and then contact me. you can send either of us an email or a Skype message. Shane's Skype address is:


What you would expect if you joined in would be to be encouraged and blessed. If you would like more info please feel free to send me a message.

Bless you heaps

Monday, May 3, 2010


I have 2 "quick updates"

1 - Louise and I have been approved to continue on and do second year of school - that means we will be back in Aus around mid June and then back in the US around 10th Aug.

2 - In Mexico City as you would have read (if you follow our blogs with any regularity), we saw hundreds and hundreds of healing miracles. There was one young guy, about 12 years old who was 100% deaf. We prayed for him and he started to hear little bits n pieces - he could hear that music was on and if i clicked my fingers he could tell me how many times I had clicked. He received about 10% of his hearing.

I was gutted by this young guy - he was such an awesome little fella, and my heart was totally wounded by the fact that he wasn't totally healed. I spent heaps of time with him and really felt God's love for him.

long story short...I received a Facebook message today from the daughter of the pastor (she acted as our interpreter whilst we were with this particular church). She said that she had caught up with the little guy yesterday and that his hearing had improved to roughly 65%. (I am not sure if he had been to an audiologist or not - that is to establish that it is at 65% - but needless to say that it is obviously noticeably different for them to make such a claim). I don't have a biblical basis for progressive healing but that is what is happening with this young guy.

YAY GOD - continue your great and mighty work, and we will tell your stories and give you glory.

catch you soon
love us.