Monday, March 29, 2010

Mexico City


Nothing you read in this post will do justice to what God did in the last 8 days in Mexico City. OUR world has been slightly messed up....(and we are pretty happy about it).

we had great expectations for this trip, and they were all exceeded (bar 1). The 1 being that as a team we had talked about seeing 4000 miracles of healing. we didn't quite see that number reached. The most conservative estimate would be 3000 and i'd personally be happy to say 3500 - needless to say that it's only about 2990-3490 more than i have seen in my life (this stat doesn't include salvations as i am only talking about miracles of healing...)

We saw things that no amount of science or logic can explain. we felt things (physical healing taking place), that defies all intellectualism!

Mexico, Thanks so much for hosting us and for teaching us sooooooo much!

We were part of an amazing team, with people who spurred us on in every situation. we had plenty of opportunities for growth and grabbed them with both hands. Thanks to our leaders Josh and Kris for all that they led us into and through.

Aside from the many healings we saw hundreds and hundreds come to faith. many touched by their healing immediately asked Jesus to be their Lord and then plugged into other activities that we or the church were running.

This is a pic of Lou leading couples at a marriage seminar that we were involved with at a satellite church that we and another couple worked with while we were in Mexico.

We learnt heaps from the culture of the Mexican people. They practice honor in really simple and significant ways. Lou and I were very blessed with an amazing host family who didn't just host us but invited us into their lives. We celebrated with them and cried with them all in the same week.

I don't know that i want any more tacos of any description for a while, but i am sure that will change in - the picture above was taken at our hosts birthday dinner - our host "Carlos" is seated opposite me (shane).

The picture beside is of a young lady who 3 days earlier had come to our leaders (in the pic she is with Kris), and she came because her grandfather had just had a stroke. He had paralysis down his entire right side and the doctors were giving very bad news. our leaders prayed and said that he would be out of hospital in 3 days without any affects from the stroke. She came to find them to let them know that he had just come out of hospital (the 3rd day), and that he was 100% fine.

Lou is planning a post sometime soon...
love us!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So this pic is a little old now, but what the heck - I like it! It was just before
Christmas and we went out scoping some cool light shows.

We have been a little more busy this week, some extra homework and some running around to get some stuff sorted out like insurance and some car repairs (no accidents, just changed insurance, and got the car serviced - always something...).

We also realised that our trip to Mexico City is coming up super fast and that we needed to get some extra work done in order to have it all in before we go away. We have a couple of team meetings left. last year this trip went off. Lou and I have been growing in confidence more and more - the other day (Sunday night), Lou prayed for a lady with arthritis in her hand and immediately all the pain left. We then prayed for her ankles and she experienced the same thing. It was lots of fun - we don't delight so much in the miracle but rather what we see the miracle do in the lives of those touched. This lady, had tears as the love of God was realised in a more powerful way in her life.

A few days earlier I was out with a couple of mates and one of my mates introduced himself to this lady standing in a carpark. About 5 mins earlier I had a sudden chest pain and I knew that God was giving me a word of knowledge for someone.... after introducing himself, my friend turned to me (I was about 5 meters away), and introduced me. I went over and said hello and then asked if she knew anyone that was having some serious chest pain. The ladies response was a classic "no one else aside from me..."

The lady shared that she was scheduled for surgery in a couple of weeks time as her esophagus was destroyed from reflux and that she now had some tumors in her throat as well. She said that she had woken up at 5.30am that morning in excruciating pain and had cried out to God for some help....

As we were talking to her (10.15am), she was still in a great deal of pain. we prayed a really simple prayer, something like "thanks Jesus that you want to heal ".....", we command all pain to go, and ask that you'd give her a new throat and esophagus" - we asked her what she felt, and her face was beaming! She had no pain! We will be catching up with her sometime during the next week or so, and checking on the doctors reports about whether or not she still requires surgery. Yay God!!! We talked to her for some time after this and she is wanting us to visit this sick person, and that one...she is keen to get along to a church service and re-establish her relationship with God.

The small group that I lead has been going great - all the guys are awesome and are really growing heaps (me too...).

Lou has taken a preaching class, we have both sensed that this was something that God has been calling her into. She put her name down as a potential to preach to the class, and well yes, you have probably guessed it, she will be doing so.

We are planning a couple of "get-aways", one for the "spring break" (Easter), we are thinking of catching up with some of Lou's family down in LA or Vegas to help us celebrate Lou's birthday (11th April).

The other trip, after graduation in May up into Canada, via Seattle and Oregon. Whilst up in British Columbia, we will spend some time in Vancouver, and get over to Banff and Lake Louise.

Unfortunately I haven't been fishing for a bit...and we didn't get to go up the mountain this week because we had the car in for a service (in prep for all the MILES we will be doing on the trips mentioned above).

This pic is of Lou, about to carve it up - we have both improved soooo much, but then we have probably done more skiing in the past couple of months than we have in the 5 years we were in Taree.

I have heard from some that you are having difficulties in making comments - I have made this easier by removing the restrictions. anyone can now make a comment though it wont be published until I authorise it.

We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions, this is a great way to ask as well.

Shane n Lou